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Willow Canyon Elementary

Home of the wildcats

February 7, 2023 –Minutes

Willow Canyon

SCC Meeting Minutes

Attendees: Michelle Snarr, Alanna Comer, Anna Hirschi, Katie VanTassell, Tara Regginello, Jenni Nielsen, Alicia Patrick, McKay Robinson, Alice Peck, several community parents, former and current reading interventionists/progress monitor aide

Not Present: Delese Bettinson, Amber Poulson, Courtnie Angeli

  • Welcome
  • Reviewed meeting notes from January
    • Name spelling corrections needed – Changes were made and minutes were approved.
  • McKay Robinson and Alice Peck, from the District Office of School Performance, were present to address spending of Land Trust funds and recently eliminated reading interventionist positions. (attached is a link to the slideshow he used)
    • Land Trust Plans are due in April of previous year and must estimate funding based on past expenses.
    • Funding was received in Fall of 2022 and was ~$12,000 less than the previous year.
    • The budget for reading interventionist positions has run out and as a result all but one of these positions were eliminated for the remainder of the school year
    • The SCC members were offered training on the expectations for managing the land trust funds.
    • The SCC is encouraged to regularly review plans in comparison to budget and amend the budget when needed.
    • The TSSA plan also has a budget that can be amended if there is a surplus
  • Questions/Concerns from reading interventionists and parent representatives
    • The group expressed frustration that this funding issue was not prioritized earlier in the year.
    • Concerns were expressed that this change will have a large impact on the students and their reading performance.
    • Concerns were expressed about a possible discrepancy between the monthly spending report and the amount paid out to interventionists.
      • There are accounting audits performed monthly to verify this information.
      • A GRAMMA request will be submitted to reconcile these dollars and determine if there is an error.
        • McKay Robinson will work on this and will share findings
    • Mrs. Snarr expressed that she has an open door policy and invites feedback and concerns.
    • Teachers will communicate with parents to let them know that there child will not be receiving reading/math supports
    • Feedback was also provided to the district representatives that SCC trainings could be improved and that managing Land Trust Funds is a large expectation for parent volunteers who may not have knowledge of school expenses and budgets
  • Next Steps
  • A recommendation was made to make review of the budget a monthly practice in SCC meetings
    • A follow-up meeting will be held later this month to discuss remaining agenda items and discuss solutions
  • A motion was made to schedule a follow-up meeting to discuss the remaining agenda items due to time:
    • Final reporting for the budget expenditures from 2021-22 (plan written in the Spring of 2021) and goals
    • Current budget report for Landtrust
    • Academic data reporting and focus goal areas

Tuesday, February 21 · 4:30 – 5:30pm

Google Meet joining info

Video call link: https://meet.google.com/puo-kyvw-jdk

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  • A motion was made to adjourn until 2/21
  • Minutes Approved on April 13, 2023

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