Welcome To

Willow Canyon Elementary

Home of the wildcats

Attendees: Heidi Ballou, Lisa Niederhauser, Kim Ward, Jessica Greene, Nicole Megan, Amy Hilton, Emily Mourtisen, Karen Pederson, Meghann Shaw, Buffy Swenson

  1. Opening Check in
  2. SCC Chair was elected: Chair: Lisa Niederhauser, Vice Chair: Heidi Ballou
  3. Principal News – Nicole
    1. Shout out to PTA: Great job on the fundraiser
    2. Looking forward to the Wacky Walk
    3. Watch Dog Dads – Great turn out
    4. Wacky walk and STEM night – Friday October 4, 2023 and the science fair kickoff


  1. PTA News – Lisa
    1. Book fair coming up
    2. Great fundraiser – The reminder email was helpful
    3. Back to school night went well and a had a good turn out.
    4. Sign-ups for the committees was sent out and it will need to be sent out on parent square
    5. Stem fair will be the science fair and will be handled by the PTA.


  1. Review of current CSOP/TSSA/Safety Plan – Jessica Greene
    1. School Improvement Goal:
      1. By the spring of 2025, 90% of the students in kindergarten through fifth grade will meet typical or above typical growth on the Acadience Pathways of Progress in Math.
      2. By the spring of 2025, 80% of the students in kindergarten through fifth grade will meet typical or above typical growth on the Acadience Pathways of Progress in Reading.
    2. School Climate Goals
      1. 85% of students K-5 will be in the low-risk range of externalizing behaviors by Spring of 2025 as measured by Student Risk Screening Scale (SRSS-IE).
    3. Acadience Data:
      1. READING K- 69%, 1-70%, 2-78%, 3-76%, 4-85%, 5-78%
      2. MATH K-71%, 1-58%, 2-61%, 3-67%, 4-72%, 5-72%
    4. Discussion and possible voting
      1. School Safety Plan- due Dec 20
        1. Cameras in the back of the school, cafeteria, and gym were added through the new safety grant from the state.
        2. Safety includes everything outside, inside, etc.
  • What safety concerns are there?
    1. Updated verbiage from lockdown and secure, etc. hope to uniform the language with local law enforcement to better communicate what is going on at the school.
    2. Communication from the district should come through parent square.
    3. Guardian Position – December should have a plan from the district.
    4. Nicole will send out the safety plan will be sent out to see if anyone has questions and concerns
    5. Technology concerns policy
  1. Safe Walking Route Plan- due Nov 1
    1. There is a map that you can view
    2. Countrywood and Sego Lego will not get a crossing guard, there are flashing lights there now.
  • Concern about Waterford crossing along the traffic coming in and out was discussed and will be passed along to appropriate individuals.
  1. This will need to approve this at our next meeting.
  1. Digital Citizenship Plan- due Dec 20
    1. Review it online. This information will be sent out on parent square.
    2. Digital Screeners on our search that help alert administration of any inappropriate searches.
  • Oct 14-16 Digital Citizenship week was announced by the district.
  1. Review Budgets
    1. Lost 66 students with ECC and their siblings that effects the budget for the next school year.
    2. 10% of the budget can roll over to the next year.
    3. Out of the TSSP budget we fund the 2 math aides, .5 social worker, MTSS assistant to help during lunchtime, boosters, support behaviors, imagine learning licenses.
    4. Landtrust – 3 reading interventionists, substitute for teacher collab, teacher supplies, aides in 5 grade
    5. We have 2 kinder aides open that we need to fill and the position has been open for month.
    6. Cell tower- the principal has the final say but does run it through SCC to be transparent.
  2. Future SCC Meetings were approved
    1. October 24, 2024
    2. November 14, 2024
    3. December 12, 2024
    4. January 16, 2024
    5. February 20, 2024
    6. March 20, 2024
    7. April 17, 2024
    8. May 15, 2024

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Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here communications@canyonsdistrict.org