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Willow Canyon Elementary

Home of the wildcats

Willow Canyon Elementary

School Community Council Meeting Minutes

Date: September 14, 2023, 3:30 PM

Location: Willow Canyon Elementary Conference Room


Member Name

In Attendance

Member Name

In Attendance

Quorum Established?

(≥5 members per 23-24 bylaws)

Nicole Svee-Megann


Trever Hirschi


Heidi Ballou


Jenni Nielsen


Alanna Comer


Lisa Niederhauser


Anna Hirschi


Tara Regginello


Other Attendees: Jessica Greene

  • The Meeting was called to order at 3:33 by Nicole.
  • Approval of Minutes
    1. Motion: (Made by: Anna) Motion to approve the minutes from the meeting on 4/25/23 – 5 in favor/ 0 opposed/ 2 abstained. Motion Carries
    2. It was also noted that the meeting on 3/7/23 was cancelled but is still listed on the website without minutes. Alanna will investigate and clarify that meeting was cancelled.
  • SCC Chair/Vice-Chair Elections
    1. Motion: (Made by: Nicole) Motion to elect new SCC Chair
      1. Anna was nominated – 7 in favor/ 0 opposed/ 0 abstained. Motion Carries
    2. Motion: (Made by: Anna) Motion to elect new SCC Vice-Chair
      1. Heidi was nominated – 7 in favor/ 0 opposed/ 0 abstained. Motion Carries
    3. Note taking was delegated to Tara.
  • Principal News
    1. Secure Event on 8/21/23 – a patient from Alta View Hospital fled the behavioral health unit and entered the Willow Canyon campus. Police were already en route and were able to subdue and remove the woman.
    2. Thrive Time/character education – Willow Canyon has been assigned “Community.”
      1. Parent letters will be sent soon.
    3. PTA News
      1. Buses being provided for field trip next week.
      2. Harvest Festival coming in October.
  • Lisa will serve as liaison between PTA and SCC
  1. Parent Teacher Conferences – moving to quarterly progress reporting – Report cards will be sent home twice/yr and Student Educational Plan progress report will be sent home twice/yr.
  2. Green Ribbon Month – Safe walking and biking practices
    1. Kit received with prizes – to be coordinated with Student council.
  3. Watch Dog Dad’s – 10/17 will be a pizza night kickoff to increase participation.
  • Review of current CSIP/TSSA/Safety Plan
    1. Jessica presented the results of the 22-23 goals (PowerPoint to be attached)
      1. ODR goal was not met.
      2. Literacy goal was not met.

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