Welcome To

Willow Canyon Elementary

Home of the wildcats

Willow Canyon

SCC Minutes

Tuesday, October 4th from 3:30-4:40 pm

Welcome and introduction of all members

Members In Attendance:

Michelle Snarr

Alanna Comer

Anna Hirschi

Alicia Patrick

Jennie Nielsen

Tara Reginello

Members Not In Attendance:

Delese Bettinson

Courtnie Angeli

Katie VanTassel

Amber Poulson

  1. Update all members phone and email contact information for website
    • All contact information is correct on the website

2. Review meeting notes from April of 2022

  • Alanna Comer reviewed the notes to the council and no revisions were needed.
  • Motion to Approve: Michelle Snarr
  • Second: Alicia Patrick

3. Vote in vice-chair and secretary positions for the school year

  • Vice Chair: Alicia Patrick
    • Motioned: Anna Hirschi
    • Second: Jenni Nielsen
  • Secretary: Tara Reginello
    • Motioned: Anna Hirschi
    • Second: Alicia Patrick

4. Set meeting days and times for the school year

proposed first Tuesday of each month with an exception to April

o   October 4th, 2022, from 3:30-4:30 pm

o   November 1st, 2022, from 3:30-4:30 pm

o   January 3rd, 2023, from 3:30-4:30 pm

o   February 7th, 2023, from 3:30-4:30 pm

o   March 7th, 2023, from 3:30-4:30 pm

o   April 11th, 2023, from 3:30-4:30 pm

5. Review Landtrust and TSSP plans


Over the next three years, kindergarten through fifth grade students will make typical to above typical growth on the Pathways to Progress growth data with 98% remaining on or above benchmark on the Acadience Benchmark testing as outlined with 80% typical to above typical growth in 2022-23, 85% typical to above typical growth in 2023-24, and 87% typical to above typical growth in 2024-25.

Kindergarten through 5th grade students will make typical to above typical growth on the Acadience Benchmark testing for Pathways to Progress as outlined with 80% typical to above typical growth in the Spring of 2023, 85% typical to above typical growth in 2023-24, and 87% typical to above typical growth in 2024-25


Office Discipline Referrals (ODRs) will decrease by 10% during the 2022-23 school year, looking for a downward trend to continue with a 5% decrease during the 2023-24 school year and a 3% decrease during the 2024-25 school year by incorporating additional social/behavioral sessions with the school psychologist and social worker coupled with building an attendance task team to build consistent school attendance by having 89% of students at school daily, utilizing supports from the school psychologist and social worker in addressing different student needs.


  • We are seeing a strong need to increase attendance at our school.
  • Excused absences-the need for doctor’s notes
  • Put a post on social media about needing doctor’s notes for excused absences
  • Vacation-families are given 10 days in a whole school year for thi
  • What can SCC do to help with the goals?
    • Support the goals
    • Encourage families to have their students come to school consistently

6. Review Safe Walking Route plans

Michelle put in a capital overlay plan to take over the grassy area in the parking lot to conserve water and open the parking lot so that it doesn’t bottleneck. Was told they will consider it each year.

The safe walking route remained the same from last year

Extra lines were added to the parking lot and a couple parking spots were removed to help with the bottleneck issue

Tara asked about Sego Lily and 15th east-there is a crosswalk but no crossing guard and Sego Lily gets busy.

Less than 5 students crossing at that intersection on a consistent basis and there needs to be 15 or more.

Jenni asked about Ridgemark-lots of cars speeding (happening more in the afternoon)-is it possible to get speed bumps, etc.

Michelle Snarr said she will reach out to our school officer to see if he can park and monitor the speed of the cars to try and alleviate this problem.

7. Review PBIS plans

PBIS points and the store are up and running

Parents can see their students points and their purchases

Store day started out weekly and now it is every other week

How can we increase the budget to provide money to buy the items to restock the store

7. Review Digital Citizenship plans

New leader: Shelly Glauser

The school has heavy filters, but it is outside of school where students are using technology in ways that aren’t safe (cyber bullying, getting information that isn’t age appropriate, etc)

We use Common Sense website for our information

The school broadcast is used to teach students ways to use technology safely

Teachers can view everything a student is doing on a device at the school

Tools and information will be sent home in small increments

8. Other

New Playground-weather permitting it will be done in 6 weeks.

New desks and chairs have arrived



Approved on November 1st


Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement

Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here communications@canyonsdistrict.org