Welcome To

Willow Canyon Elementary

Home of the wildcats

Attendees: Heidi Ballou, Lisa Niederhauser, Kim Ward, Jessica Greene, Nicole Megan, Shelly Glauser, Meghann Shaw, Amy Hilton, Bart Pickett, Emily Mouritsen

  1. Opening Check in
  2. Principal News – Nicole
    1. Halloween party tomorrow, October 25, 2024. Next 3 years it will be on Halloween
    2. Jordan has a trunk or treat on October 26
    3. This year is going well.
    4. Social Emotional Goal of the year is 85% of the students will be in the low risk range of externalizing behaviors by Spring of 2025 as measure by Student Risk Screening Scale.
      1. Right now we are at 81% at externalizing, 82.7% for Internalizing. Yello is 14.3 %and 12.0%,
      2. Externalizing Breakdown by Grade: K-5: 74, 85.7, 70, 84.3, 88.5, 81.6 . The students are ranked 0-3 on how well they are doing.


  1. Digital Citizenship – Shelly
    1. Thrive Time – every month there is a theme and taught by teachers to keep children digitally safe.
    2. Information will be sent out 1 a month starting in November for how parents can help
    3. There are ways to track the information they are seeing on their Chromebook. They are monitored. The district can see if they search different trigger words that are worrisome.
    4. There are also fliers up in the school to remind students how to be safe.
    5. Screens are monitored and limited as possible in the classroom. We use Amira, Imagine Math to help with learning.
    6. Parent Square will be the way that this information is communicated to the parents.
    7. The SCC plan was submitted


  1. Safe Walking – Nicole
    1. The safe walking route was reviewed. This is available online.
    2. We want to propose that we take out the center island and enter one way and exit one another way.
    3. 98th and countrywood drive there is a concern when students cross countrywood.
    4. Mileage is calculated from the furthest boundary to where the catwalk starts.


  1. School Safety – Nicole
    1. Reviewed the school safety plan that was sent out from Nicole a couple weeks ago.
    2. We have a TCU program at the school to notify where people are at in a unsafe situation.
    3. Programs to identify where shooter in in the school were discussed.
    4. Concerns about guardian program was discussed. There is supposed to be an armed person in our school that the principal does not know is there. This plan will be decided in December by the district.
    5. Make sure that doors to the classroom are always locked during the day.
    6. Parking lot is the #1 safety concern. Suggestion is to have safety patrol help with crowd control, paint the sidewalk, redo the parking lot.


  1. Budget
    1. Reviewed the Willow Canyon School Budgets


  1. Next Meeting – November 14 @4:30 pm

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