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Willow Canyon Elementary

Home of the wildcats

Willow Canyon Elementary

School Community Council Meeting Minutes

Date: _11/16/23

Location: Willow Canyon Elementary Conference Room


Member Name

In Attendance

Member Name

In Attendance

Quorum Established?

(≥5 members per 23-24 bylaws)

Nicole Svee-Magann


Trever Hirschi



Heidi Ballou


Jenni Nielsen


Alanna Comer


Lisa Niederhauser


Anna Hirschi


Tara Regginello

X (Remote)

Other Attendees: Jessica Greene

  1. The Meeting was called to order at 3:33 by Heidi.
  2. Motion: (Made by: Nicole/Second: Jenni) Motion to approve the minutes from the meeting on 10/12 – 7 in favor/ _ opposed/ _ abstained. Motion Carries
  3. Principal News
    1. Career Day coming on 11/21– 1-2 volunteers still needed.
    2. Library update is moving forward (updating inventory)
    3. Willow Canyon teachers were recognized as seventh in the nation for RISE test scores.
  4. PTA News
    1. No meeting in December
    2. Fall has been busy.
  5. Budget Reviews
    1. Reviewed Cell Tower, Land Trust, TSSA funds – all on budget
  6. Attendance Plan
    1. Adopting the district plan at Willow Canyon. Some absences still happening due to lingering COVID trends/practices (keeping kids home for minor illness).
    2. More education for parents would be beneficial – Attendance plan will be sent out on parent square.
    3. Term 1 Graduation risk assessments (based on Attendance rates & ODRs)
      1. 51% On track
      2. 28% At risk
      3. 18% Off track
      4. 3% Severe
    4. Review SSRS-IE
      1. School climate goal (externalizing behaviors) – overall school is 84.2% in the low-risk category (just under the 85% goal).
      2. Internalizing behaviors – overall school is 83.3% low risk.


  1. Device Policy – This needs to be included in a future agenda for further discussion.
    1. Smart watches are becoming an increasing problem.
  2. Motion: (Made by: Tara/Second: Heidi) Motion to cancel meeting in December- 7 in favor/ _ opposed/ _ abstained. Motion Carries
  3. Motion: (Made by: Heidi/Second: Tara) Motion to adjourn meeting at 4:24- 7 in favor/ _ opposed/ _ abstained. Motion Carries



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