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Willow Canyon Elementary

Home of the wildcats

Willow Canyon Elementary

School Community Council Meeting Minutes

Date: _3/21/24 3:30 pm

Location: Willow Canyon Elementary Conference Room


Member Name

In Attendance

Member Name

In Attendance

Quorum Established?

(≥5 members per 23-24 bylaws)

Nicole Svee-Magann


Trever Hirschi



Heidi Ballou


Jenni Nielsen


Alanna Comer


Lisa Niederhauser


Anna Hirschi


Tara Regginello


Other Attendees: Jessica Greene


  1. The Meeting was called to order at 3:31 by Nicole
  2. Motion: (Made by: Nicole/Second: Lisa) Motion to approve the minutes from the meeting from February – 7 in favor/ 0 opposed/ 1 abstained. Motion Carries
  3. PTA Report
    1. Book Fair – free book for each student
    2. Donuts and Grownups was a huge success
    3. Art Walk Coming Up in April
    4. Feedback on electronics policy – kids are arguing because teachers have not announced.
      1. Nicole will have teachers announce
    5. Principal’s Report
      1. More kindergartners have enrolled
        1. New legislation regarding half day kindergarten– half day schedule can be accommodated for any who request
      2. ECC changes –~40 students will be moved to schools closer to their homes and feeder schools.
        1. This will give better resources to the students in ECC
        2. This will also affect sibling students and teacher’s students who will likely follow to new schools
        3. This will also affect full -time status for psychologist, social worker, OT and SLPs.
          1. Psychologist will go to 0.5 FTE
            1. Additional staff will need to have safety training
          2. SLPs will go to 0.6 FTE
          3. Social worker will go to 0.8 FTE
          4. This will likely increase need for MTSS
          5. This will also affect land trust funding
        4. Mary’s replacement has been hired and will start in May to train with Mary.
      3. Budget Review
        1. Reviewed cell tower, school budget, land trust, and TSSA
        2. TSSA has extra funding because a lower amount was going to social worker salary.
          1. Discussed that this excess will be used to hire aids in kindergarten and pay for PBIS store – this is already covered by TSSA plan and does not require approval.
          2. An additional MTSS will be added to help cover lunch and brain boosters
        3. Land Trust Plan/TSSA Plan
          1. Goals for 23-24 are already rigorous. Group discussed leaving the reading goal the same at 85% and increasing the math goal to 90%.  The group feels confident in our school’s ability to meet this goal with the supports that are in place and the current Accidence scores.
          2. Motion to approve Land Trust/TSSA Plan: (Made by: Lisa/Second: Alanna) – 8 in favor/ 0 opposed/ 0 abstained. Motion Carries
        4. Motion: (Made by: Tara/Second: Jenni) Motion to adjourn meeting at 4:55- 8 in favor/ 0 opposed/ 0 abstained. Motion Carries


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