Willow Canyon Elementary
School Community Council Meeting Minutes
Date: _3/21/24 3:30 pm
Location: Willow Canyon Elementary Conference Room
Member Name | In Attendance | Member Name | In Attendance | Quorum Established? (≥5 members per 23-24 bylaws) |
Nicole Svee-Magann | X | Trever Hirschi | X | Yes |
Heidi Ballou | X | Jenni Nielsen | X | |
Alanna Comer | X | Lisa Niederhauser | X | |
Anna Hirschi | X | Tara Regginello | X |
Other Attendees: Jessica Greene
- The Meeting was called to order at 3:31 by Nicole
- Motion: (Made by: Nicole/Second: Lisa) Motion to approve the minutes from the meeting from February – 7 in favor/ 0 opposed/ 1 abstained. Motion Carries
- PTA Report
- Book Fair – free book for each student
- Donuts and Grownups was a huge success
- Art Walk Coming Up in April
- Feedback on electronics policy – kids are arguing because teachers have not announced.
- Nicole will have teachers announce
- Principal’s Report
- More kindergartners have enrolled
- New legislation regarding half day kindergarten– half day schedule can be accommodated for any who request
- ECC changes –~40 students will be moved to schools closer to their homes and feeder schools.
- This will give better resources to the students in ECC
- This will also affect sibling students and teacher’s students who will likely follow to new schools
- This will also affect full -time status for psychologist, social worker, OT and SLPs.
- Psychologist will go to 0.5 FTE
- Additional staff will need to have safety training
- SLPs will go to 0.6 FTE
- Social worker will go to 0.8 FTE
- This will likely increase need for MTSS
- This will also affect land trust funding
- Psychologist will go to 0.5 FTE
- Mary’s replacement has been hired and will start in May to train with Mary.
- Budget Review
- Reviewed cell tower, school budget, land trust, and TSSA
- TSSA has extra funding because a lower amount was going to social worker salary.
- Discussed that this excess will be used to hire aids in kindergarten and pay for PBIS store – this is already covered by TSSA plan and does not require approval.
- An additional MTSS will be added to help cover lunch and brain boosters
- Land Trust Plan/TSSA Plan
- Goals for 23-24 are already rigorous. Group discussed leaving the reading goal the same at 85% and increasing the math goal to 90%. The group feels confident in our school’s ability to meet this goal with the supports that are in place and the current Accidence scores.
- Motion to approve Land Trust/TSSA Plan: (Made by: Lisa/Second: Alanna) – 8 in favor/ 0 opposed/ 0 abstained. Motion Carries
- Motion: (Made by: Tara/Second: Jenni) Motion to adjourn meeting at 4:55- 8 in favor/ 0 opposed/ 0 abstained. Motion Carries
- More kindergartners have enrolled