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Willow Canyon Elementary

Home of the wildcats

Willow Canyon Elementary

School Community Council Meeting Minutes

Date: _5/16/24

Location: Willow Canyon Elementary Conference Room


Member Name

In Attendance

Member Name

In Attendance

Quorum Established?

(≥5 members per 23-24 bylaws)

Nicole Svee-Magann


Trevor Hirschi



Heidi Ballou


Jenni Nielsen


Alanna Comer


Lisa Niederhauser


Anna Hirschi


Tara Regginello


Other Attendees: Jessica Greene

  1. The Meeting was called to order at 3:30
  2. Motion: (Made by: Heidi/Second: Nicole) Motion to approve the minutes from the last meeting – 7 in favor/ 0 opposed/ 0 abstained. Motion Carries
  3. PTA News
    1. Teacher appreciation was a huge success.
    2. Volunteer appreciation lunch tomorrow.
  4. Principal News
    1. Spring Acadience Data was reviewed.
    2. Several new SCC Members will be needed next year.
    3. HB84 – Legislature has mandated that beginning next year every school have an unidentified resource officer, armed security guard, or guardian on premises at all times.
  5. Budgets
    1. Nicole requested to use cell tower funds for teacher supplies and enrichment aids. All were in favor.
    2. $6000 taken out for a Gizmo and Imagine Math licenses.
  6. Request for Cell Tower Expenditures for Next Year
  7. Motion: (Made by: Nicole/Second: Tara) Motion to adjourn meeting at 4:07- 7 in favor/ 0 opposed/ 0 abstained. Motion Carries

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