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Willow Canyon Elementary

Home of the wildcats

Willow Canyon SCC Meeting

Monday, March 21, 2022, at 6:30 pm

Attendees: Michelle Snarr (principal), Alanna Comer (teacher), Alicia Patrick, Anna Hirschi, Amourette Bradley, Courtnie Angeli, Delese Bettinson, and Tara Regginello (visitor)

  1. February’s SCC minutes and Bylaws
  2. Minutes were approved.
  3. Motion for approval by Amourette Bradley, seconded by Delese Bettinson
  4. Bylaws were approved
  5. Motion for approval by Amourette Bradley, seconded by Courtnie Angeli
  6. TSSP Review
  7. Using funds to pay for the other half of the school’s social worker’s salary
  8. Goal involves reducing office referrals by 10%

III. Land Trust Review

  1. Currently, 71.9% of students are making adequate growth
  2. Goals include reaching 85% of students making adequate growth in ELA
  3. 98% of students at benchmark need to remain on or above benchmark in ELA
  4. 80% of students making adequate growth in mathematics.
  1. Early Release/ Late Start Input
  1. The majority of parents prefer an early out Friday
  2. Teachers prefer an early out Friday as well
  1. Teacher of the Year
  1. The District received over 3000 nominees
  2. Willow Canyon’s committee received 32 nominations for 14 teachers
  3. The winning teacher is to be announced at an assembly
  4. The other nominated teachers will learn of their nomination

Motion to adjourn meeting by Amourette Bradley, seconded by Michelle Snarr

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