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Willow Canyon Elementary

Home of the wildcats

SCC Notes

Thursday, January 18th, 2024

Attending: Nicole, Jinii (non voting member), Jessica, Lisa, Jenni, Karen (School Board member), Alana, Anna

Not in Attendance: Trevor and Tara

November Minutes: Nicole motions, Karen seconds, unanimously approved

  1. What do you do to decompress?
  2. PTA News
  1. Black History Month
  2. Science Fair

III. Principal News

  1. Report Cards
  2. PT Conf end of Feb.
  3. Acadience Scores
  4. Year is going fast!
  5. Leadership Feedback: Proposal for new booster schedule: 1 hr. of planning a day. 
  6. Recess linked with booster time
  7. 45 minutes of booster time + recess
  8. M-Thursday boosters, ten minute longer days
  9. Professional Development done on Friday
  10. Vertical Teaming will be more accessible on Friday
  11. School psychologist available at this time
  12. Brain Boosters & Recess employees will be different
  13. Assistant Principal at every school is also an option
  14. Block IEPs as an option (with a roving substitute)
  15. This will all be fleshed out at the next School Board meeting
  16. Science of Reading Award! Brittni Clawson & Michelle Cameron 



  1. Cell Tower: Every teacher in 3rd & 4th Grade getting a 17 hr. Aide
  1. Aides = 13-14,000$
  2. Currently there is 1 aide in 4th grade that also Progress Monitors
  3. Do we agree to that? YES!
  4. Aides will be hired for 4.5 mos. Will be paid for through Cell Tower Money
  5. Land Trust is looking great. 
  6. 4200$ spent from TSSA – State Funded. You cannot have over 10% to carry over at the end of the year.
  7. Teacher of the Year: Nominations can come in- Teachers can nominate! Due by Feb. 2nd
  8. Land Trust Review: final report due tomorrow: We did not make any land trust goals from the prior year’s goals. New numbers will happen in the next SCC meeting. We will still be able to receive that money… we will continue to work on the goals for this year!

VII. Electronic Policy

  1. Governor made a recommendation to have no electronics in class. Canyons policy is that this is a local decision.
  • Electronics are an issue: pictures, cheating, go behind the back of a teacher to get checked out. Inappropriate videos COULD BE send to others. 
  • Staff would like to propose to have electronics stay in backpacks.
  • Community response – concerned about safety & lack of communication from school. 
  • Staff concerned that wi-fi gets jammed so security measures cannot go through.
  • Where can people discuss this? – Community members can talk to members of the SCC
  • SCC at Eastmont Middle School has created a policy that electronics need to stay in backpacks.
  • Reminder in a staff meeting to remind teachers about communication with parents from classroom – 
  • Get feedback from and there will be a vote at the next SCC meeting.
  • Look at District Electronic Policy

Reading Inventory Scores (4th & 5th Grade)

  1. 60% of students are already meeting end of year expectations 4th Grade
  2. 63% of students are already meeting end of year expectations 5th Grade
  1. Acadience:

READING GOAL:80% of our students will be typical or above typical growth

  1. Currently we are at 78.2 % so far this year – that is great!

MATH Goal: 85% of students will be typical or above typical growth

  1. Currently we are at 89.6% so far this year- that is great!
  2. We will try to continue that growth throughout the end of the school year.
  3. On track to meet our goals – Lots to celebrate!

Motion to close: Jennie

Second: Alanna

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement

Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here communications@canyonsdistrict.org