Welcome To

Willow Canyon Elementary

Home of the wildcats

Monday, January 10, 2022, at 6:30 pm


Attendees: Michelle Snarr (principal), Alanna Comer (teacher), Katrina Vantassell (school social worker), Alicia Patrick, Anna Hirschi, and Amourette Bradley


Not in Attendance: Delese Bettinson and Courtnie Angeli


I. November’s SCC minutes


A. Minutes were approved.

B. Motion for approval by Anna Hirschi, seconded by Michelle Snarr


II.  Social and Emotional School Report


A. Katrina Vantassell presented the SCC with the school’s social and emotional data analyzing student risk screening for 2021.  


B. This Student Risk Screening Scale involves teacher observation, discipline incidents, wellness visits, and equity research.


            1. Teacher observation analyzes internalized behaviors and externalized behaviors that present concern. For 2021, 21.70% of Willow Canyon’s 364 students fall in the high to moderate risk area for concerning internalized behaviors.  20.05% of Willow Canyon’s 364 students fall in the high to moderate risk area for concerning externalized behaviors.


            2. Office discipline involved 19 office referrals from 2020-2021. As of January 10, 2022, there have been 21 office referrals. Minor incidents (handled in the classroom with the teacher) numbered 47 in the 2020-2121 year. As of January 10,  2022, 16 minor incidents occurred. 


            3. Wellness visits involving the school psychologist and/ or school social worker involved 597 group sessions, 547 individual sessions, and 271 parental contacts in the 2020-2021 year.


            4. Equity data shows 19.3% of Willow Canyon students hold minority status, however, 26.6% of students demonstrating high risk for concerning internalizing behavior are minority. 43.75% of students demonstrating concerning externalization behavior are minority. Equity data demonstrates 18.2% of Willow Canyon students require special education. Data shows that 43.33% of special education students demonstrate concerning internalizing behavior and 43.75% of special education students demonstrate concerning externalizing behavior.


C. Data from the Student Risk Screening Scale supports the school’s need to focus on improving social and emotional behavior. In order to better support the students’ social and emotional needs, the school wishes to hire Katrina VanTassell full time next year. The SCC felt this proves a wise option. 



III. Final Expenditures


A. The principal presented the final expenditure report, and all members present approved of the plan. 


B. Monies spent involve acquiring necessary technology for the classroom; purchasing academic programs, namely the 95% program to assist in reading support; and contributing $5000 to the Principal Discretionary Fund for teacher morale.


IV. Conclusion


A. Academic data and a review of the SCC bylaws will be on the agenda next time .


B. The next meeting will be held virtually on February 7, 2022, at 6:30 pm.

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