Welcome To

Willow Canyon Elementary

Home of the wildcats

Attendees: Heidi Ballou, Lisa Niederhauser, Kim Ward, Halley nelson, Meghann Shaw, Amy Hilton, Bart Pickett, Emily Mouritsen, karen pederson

  1. Opening
  2. Approval of Agenda
  3. Approval of minutes –
    1. Minutes were approved
  4. PTA News
    1. No items to discuss
  5. Principal News – Halley
    1. Cat Walks – Can we lock them off? 10 minutes after the tardy bell and 10 minutes before ends. Lisa and Halley will work together on the type of the fence. The district will cover one of them and we will find budget for the other one. Lisa as a recess attendant will unlock and lock them.
    2. SCC signature page was reviewed and is correct.


  1. Monthly Safety Drill Report – Halley
    1. Last drill that we had disaster drill. There were a lot of glitches regarding this drill. They will continue to report the problems and seek to improve.


  1. Goals or ideas input from members- Halley
    1. Benchmark or above. Really focus on the students in red and yellow. 75% of the students in red and yellow will make that pathway of progress by the end of the year. This will be held at the classroom both math and ELA.
    2. Next year our hope is to be math, reading, and behavior will be the focus.
    3. Climate goal – BLT will work on attendance for this year.


  1. TSSP goals or ideas, input from members
    1. TSSA is the social worker
    2. 80, 000 for TSSA – based on enrollment
    3. Interventionists stay through the end of April and Kindergarten aides stay until the end of the year.
  2. Land Trust Report
    1. 60,000 for land trust
    2. We passed this report and we submitted and are good until next January


  1. Member Concerns/ Comments
    1. No concerns
  2. Next Meeting – March 20 @3:30 pm

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