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Willow Canyon Elementary

Home of the wildcats

Willow Canyon Elementary

School Community Council Meeting Minutes

Date: _2/15/2025

Location: Willow Canyon Elementary Conference Room


Member Name

In Attendance

Member Name

In Attendance

Quorum Established?

(≥5 members per 23-24 bylaws)

Nicole Svee-Magann


Trever Hirschi



Heidi Ballou


Jenni Nielsen


Alanna Comer


Lisa Niederhauser


Anna Hirschi


Tara Regginello


Other Attendees: Emily Mouritsen, Karen Pedersen, Jessica Greene, Jinii Boren

  1. The Meeting was called to order at 3:32 by Nicole
  2. Motion: (Made by: Anna/Second: Tara) Motion to approve the minutes from January – 5 in favor/ 0 opposed/ 1 abstained. Motion Carries
  3. PTA News
    1. Nominations for PTA Board next year have been released – voting will be next month.
    2. Coming up: PTC/Book Fair/Spirit Week/ Doughnuts with Grownups
  4. Principal News
    1. Shoutout/Appreciation to the Volunteers
    2. Aids for 3rd and 4th grade have been hired – if this is needed next year how can we get it approved sooner?
    3. Kindergarten enrollment for 24-45 is low so far – FTE concerns for next year.
    4. Teacher of the year nominations have been submitted – Nicole and Anna will be making a decision with focus on not repeating. Comments will be shared with teachers.
  5. Budgets
    1. Budgets were reviewed for School, Cell tower, Land Trust and TSSA,
    2. It was previously decided that Cell Tower funds would be used for 3rd/4th grade aids. Nicole requested that TSSA funds can be used instead – this was discussed, and all were in favor.
  6. Electronic Policy discussion and vote
    1. The policy from Eastmont was reviewed – No personal electronic devices (phones, watches, earbuds, etc.) during the school day.
    2. The Willow Canyon policy will be modeled after Eastmont’s policy. Devices must stay in backpacks during the school day. Failure to follow policy will result in devices being confiscated and must be picked up by a parent.
    3. Concerns were expressed about communication during school emergencies. The commitment moving forward is that the school will communicate status updates to parents when it is safe to do so. 
    4. If a parent specifically requests that a student answer a call or text these scenarios will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
    5. This was approved by the group and Nicole will draft a message to parents to be sent on parent square.
  7. Mid-Year Testing
    1. SRSS-IE Data was reviewed.
      1. School climate was below the goal threshold for internalizing and externalizing behaviors.
      2. Discussion:
        1. Kids impacted by COVID during early grades seem to score lower than others.
        2. All these factors are considered when determining staffing.
        3. This leads to TSSA Plan Discussion as funding will be required to improve these scores.
      3. Acadience Testing data was reviewed.
        1. Reading scores were below goal at 78% (Goal: 80%)
        2. Math scores are exceeding the goal at 89% (Goal 85%)
      4. TSSA Plan
        1. Beginning discussion for planning next year – this will be a main item for next meeting.
        2. Preliminary discussion:
          1. Math goal will stay at 80-85% of students meeting typical or above average growth.
            1. Need to consider if 2 math aids are needed considering the score or focus elsewhere.
          2. School Climate goal
            1. Continue TSSA funds attributed to social worker salary next year.
            2. Add an MTSS support role (~20 hrs/week) – behavioral support.
          3. Funding for recess aids and brain boosters also needs to be discussed as funding from district may change.
          4. Teacher/student ratios may also be concerning next year due to lower enrollment.
        3. Motion: (Made by: Tara/Second: Lisa) Motion to adjourn meeting at 05:22- 4 in favor/ 0 opposed/ 3 abstained. Motion Carries