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Willow Canyon Elementary

Home of the wildcats

April 25, 2023 –Minutes

Willow Canyon – SCC Meeting Minutes

SCC Attendees: Anna Hirschi, Nicole Magann, Jenni Nielsen, Kathleen Harris, Alanna Comer, Alicia Patrick, Katie Vantassell, Trevor Hirschi

Non SCC Members in Attendance: Jessica Greene, Susan Edwards, Rachel de Acevedo

Virtually: Lindsay Tait (non SCC member)

  1. April Meeting Notes Review
    1. The following details will be added to the minutes:
      1. Chair/member election – member election should take place prior to chair election
      2. Bylaws will need updating as they indicate elections are performed in April
    2. Mrs. Magann voted to approve amended minutes – seconded by Jenni
      1. Vote was unanimously approved (9/0)
  2. Principal’s Report (grant updates)
    1. Ms. Magann was able to apply for the grants for Amira and Dreambox
  3. Budget Review –
    1. The current spending reports were shared by Mrs. Magann.  Moving forward these reports will be discussed on a monthly basis at SCC meeting so that spending/budgeting issues can be addressed in real time and amended whenever necessary. 
    2. General School Budget – District Funds
      1. The spending report was shared by Ms. Magann.  There is ~$17,500 remaining with a few pending items.  There may be some funds that can roll over to next year.
      2. One large expense was ~$49,000 which was spent on new desks and chairs for 1st and 2nd grade. 
      3. Incoming pre-school program will not count toward the dollar amount per student provided by the district.
    3. Land Trust Plan/TSSA Plan
      1. The anticipated budget for next year will be ~$50-52 thousand, down from $55,000 this year.  The exact amount will not be known until the beginning of the next school year.
      2. Currently monthly spending for TSSA will leave this budget very low at the end of the year.
        1. Literacy aids may have been paid from these funds for the second half of this year – to be confirmed by Ms. Magann.
    4. Cell Tower Funds
      1. There are currently ~$29,000 in cell tower funds.  This money is not overseen by the SCC, but these funds can be allocated to cover some of the Landtrust/TSSA expenses.  Ms. Magann plans to request that these funds be used to cover some salaries next year. 
  4. Budget Proposal for ’23-’24
    1. Academic Goals:
      1. 85% will meet typical or above typical growth in Acadience Pathways of Progress in Math
        1. Funding for this goal will be from TSSA funds
        2. Two math interventionists to be provided – anticipated cost $24,000
        3. Dreambox grants were awarded so this service will continue next year.
      2. 80% will meet typical or above typical growth in Acadience Pathways of Progress in Reading
        1. Funding for this goal will be from Land Trust funds
        2. Three interventionists and one progress monitoring aid– anticipated cost $48,000
        3. Teacher materials – $1000
        4. Substitutes – $2000
        5. Lexia/Amira grants were awarded
  1. School Climate Goals:
    1. 85% in the low risk range of externalizing behaviors as measured by SRSS-IE
      1. Funding for this goal will be from TSSA funds
      2. Half-time social worker – $52,000
    2. Total Budget Costs
      1. Land Trust – $51,000
      2. TSSP – $76,000
      3. Total Cost – $127,000
      4. Cell Tower funds can also be used to cover these expenses if funding next year is less than anticipated.
      5. Tara motioned to approve the budget – seconded by Jenni
        1. Vote was unanimously approved (9/0)
      6. Additional Expenses
        1. Magann would like to spend $16,000 on enrichment aid salaries and $5,000 for PBIS prizes/classroom supplies, $4,000 for teacher meals/incentives.
          1. Alicia motioned to approve – seconded by Tara
            1. Vote was unanimously approved (9/0)
          2. Susan Edwards will review our bylaws and make recommendations on revisions to be make in the Fall.
            1. Membership verbiage may need to be reworded
          3. Adjourn
            1. Alicia motioned to adjourn – Alanna seconded
              1. Vote was unanimously approved (9/0

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