Willow Canyon SCC Meeting
Monday, April 18, 2022, at 6:30 pm
Attendees: Michelle Snarr (principal), Alanna Comer (teacher), Alicia Patrick, Anna Hirschi, Amourette Bradley, Amber Poulson (visitor), Rachael De Azevedo (visitor), Delese Bettinson, and Tara Regginello (visitor)
- March’s SCC minutes
- Minutes were approved.
- Motion for approval by Alicia Patrick, seconded by Anna Hirschi.
- SCC President for 2022-2023
- Alanna Comer nominated Anna Hirschi for President.
- Amourette Bradley and Michelle Snarr seconded the nomination.
- Anna Hirschi was voted chair unanimously.
There was a review given by Michelle Snarr about the responsibilities of the members of SCC and what it entails. Amber and Tara both said they would be willing to be a member of School Community Council for the 2022-2023 school year.
Motion to adjourn meeting by Amourette Bradley, seconded by Michelle Snarr
Approved by: Michelle Snarr
Second: Alicia Patrick