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Willow Canyon Elementary

Home of the wildcats

April 13, 2023 –Minutes

Willow Canyon – SCC Meeting Minutes

Members In Attendance:

Kathy Anderson- Interim Principal

Nicole Svee-Magann- Newly Appointed Principal for the 2023-2024 school year  

Anna Hirschi

Alanna Comer

Jenni Nielsen

Tara Reginello

Alicia Patrick

Trevor Hirschi

Kathleen Harris

Member Not In Attendance

Katie Vantassel

  • Review meeting notes from February 7, 2023
    • Meeting minutes were unanimously approved.
  • Introduction of new principal
    • Nicole Magann has been appointed as the new Principal of Willow Canyon.  She comes from Altara Elementary. She has a 30-year background in education – including elementary, middle, and high school.  She believes that if you take care of teachers they take care of kids and leads with that philosophy.
  • LANDTrust Discussion
    • Jessica Greene was present to present on previous year LANDTrust and TSSP plan goals
      • Reduce Office Discipline Referrals (ODRs) by 10% – includes paying social worker benefits/salary/expenditures.
        • ODRs often only a snapshot so Principal Magann is recommending setting a goal based on SRSS-IE scores moving forward(SRSS-IE is a screener completed by teachers)
      • English Language Arts –  98% Proficient in pathways of progress  – 3 Reading interventionists in place
      • Math – 80% typical and above on pathways of progress – 2 interventionists in place
      • Budget report 2022-2023 for Landtrust
        • $60,000 on social worker
        • $54,000 on interventionists
    • Principal Magann will be taking some additional time to become oriented with the budget and review the plan.   A subsequent meeting will be held in the coming weeks to address plans for the coming years goals and budget as deadlines are quickly approaching.
  • Discussions were held regarding parental engagement in the SCC and when new member nominations take place.
    • Principal Anderson motioned that these be moved to the fall of 2023 – Motion was approved
  • Next Meeting is tentatively scheduled for April 25th at 3:00 – to be confirmed and posted to the website when finalized.
  • Adjourn – motion to close was unanimous approved

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