January 13, 2020
We have been reviewing the school expectations after returning from winter break. The students are doing a great job of remembering the rules and being friendly with everyone. I am very proud of every student for the great things they do learning in their class and their great behavior throughout the school.
We will be reading the book “The Runaway Wok” about the Chinese New Year. The story is about a boy named Ming. His mother sends him with some eggs to trade for a bag of rice they need for the New Year’s feast and celebration. Ming meets an older gentleman on his way to trade the eggs for rice. Ming makes a trade for a wok instead of rice. The story is about sharing all of the great things we have with everyone. It also teaches us about this significant holiday for the Chinese people that lasts from about mid-January until early February. Everyone eats their favorite foods, they play games and have fireworks. This story is a great way to learn about important traditions and sharing what we have with others.

Monday, January 13
- K-2 Acadience reading and math testing was today for the kindergarten through second grade students.
Tuesday, January 14
- KSL Meteorologist visits with 4thgrade
Thursday, January 16
- SCC meeting at 6:00 PM in the conference room
Friday, January 17
- Students do not attend school this day, it’s a teacher work day
Monday, January 20
- Martin Luther King Jr. Day recess, no school
Friday, January Ogden Nature Center will be presenting information to first graders in their classes
Friday, January 31
- Netsmartz Internet Safety presentation 8:30 AM – Kindergarten through second grade 9:15 AM – Third grade through fifth grade
Tuesday, February 4
- PTA Meeting at 10:00 AM in the conference room.
Monday, February 10th– Friday, February 14 Literacy Month Kick Off Week!
- Monday wear black and white for newspaper day
- Tuesday wear super hero clothing because reading makes us super smart
- Wednesday wear sunglasses because reading makes us bright
- Thursday wear socks so we can kick up our heels for reading
- Friday wear red because we are red-y to read
Wednesday, February 12
- 5thgrade goes to Abravanel Hall for the Symphony
Wednesday, February 19
- Willow Canyon night at Classic Skating
Wednesday, February 26
- Parent Teacher Conferences
- Book Fair
Thursday, February 27
- Parent Teacher Conferences
- Book Fair
- Family Lunch Day
- Early out day