Welcome To

Willow Canyon Elementary

Home of the wildcats

Battle of the Books

The past two Mondays we had Battle of the Books at our school. Monday, March 8th was the 3rd grade and Monday, March 15th was 4th and 5th grade. We were so excited to be able to hold these competitions in person this year. The students worked hard throughout the year, reading lots of books. They held regular virtual meetings with their teammates after school. They created team cheers, posters and outfits.

We want to thank Brinda Slaughter for all her time and effort she put in to planning and organizing this event. Normally we are able to elicit parent volunteers, but due to Covid-19 we couldn’t bring volunteers in the building. Our support staff stepped up and helped on both days of the competitions.

Also, Mcdonalds donated apple slices and Chick-Fil-A (Taylorsville) donated chicken sandwiches for the students the day of their competition. We are grateful for their support and donations. 

And last, but not least, a huge shout out to all the parents! You were your child’s cheerleader throughout the year as they pushed through to read all their books. Some of you were the team parent and organized and led their meetings.

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