Welcome To

Willow Canyon Elementary

Home of the wildcats

Meeting started at 3:31

In attendance was Emily Mourtisen, Bart Pickett, Meghann Shaw, Lisa Niederhauser, Principal Nelson, Amy Hilton, and Heidi Ballou

  1. Approval of Minutes from November- Heidi Ballou approved
  2. PTA News- currently working on filling next year’s board. Literacy Month is in February. Assembly is scheduled for Jan 31st. Looking for science fair judges. 
  3. Principal News- Teacher of the year nominations are now open through February 3rd.  Student shadowing was a great experience for all involved. Brought up really good conversations.
  4. Safety Drill Reports- There was a fire drill on Tues 1/14. Everything went smoothly. Discussed the Guardian Bill. Conversations are still going on about how to make this happen.  Also discussed getting the catwalks at Willow Canyon locked during school hours. There are too many people walking onto school property while kids are at recess.
  5. Review of council’s stewardship items – Land Trust Funds, TSSA budgets- everything is looking good with these budgets. No concerns at this time.
  6. 2025-2026 TSSP – At our next meeting Principal Nelson would like to discuss climate goals. This goal will be due in April. Not happy with our current way of measuring this.
  7. Acadience Scores- School is making good gains in both reading and math scores. A few grades were lower than in the fall, but overall we are on track to make our goals. Our spring goals are 80% in reading and 90% in math.
  8. Member Concerns/Comments- A concern was brought up about Book Blitz and a book that has been found to have content that is not age appropriate. The Principal is aware and has contacted the school district. 
  9. Meeting adjourned at 4:26

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