Willow Canyon SCC Meeting
Monday, March 21, 2022, at 6:30 pm
Attendees: Michelle Snarr (principal), Alanna Comer (teacher), Alicia Patrick, Anna Hirschi, Amourette Bradley, Courtnie Angeli, Delese Bettinson, and Tara Regginello (visitor)
- February’s SCC minutes and Bylaws
- Minutes were approved.
- Motion for approval by Amourette Bradley, seconded by Delese Bettinson
- Bylaws were approved
- Motion for approval by Amourette Bradley, seconded by Courtnie Angeli
- TSSP Review
- Using funds to pay for the other half of the school’s social worker’s salary
- Goal involves reducing office referrals by 10%
III. Land Trust Review
- Currently, 71.9% of students are making adequate growth
- Goals include reaching 85% of students making adequate growth in ELA
- 98% of students at benchmark need to remain on or above benchmark in ELA
- 80% of students making adequate growth in mathematics.
- Early Release/ Late Start Input
- The majority of parents prefer an early out Friday
- Teachers prefer an early out Friday as well
- Teacher of the Year
- The District received over 3000 nominees
- Willow Canyon’s committee received 32 nominations for 14 teachers
- The winning teacher is to be announced at an assembly
- The other nominated teachers will learn of their nomination
Motion to adjourn meeting by Amourette Bradley, seconded by Michelle Snarr