Dear Parents and Guardians:
I want to remind everyone about being safe in the parking lot before and after school. The most important factor to consider during these times is the safety of your children. It’s always very busy and every effort you make to help things go smoothly is so appreciated.
Please only use the north parking lot for drop off and pick up. The only vehicles that should be in the south parking lot are the school buses and the daycare buses. The bus drivers have mentioned that there are people parking in this area and having their children walk through to the sidewalk. The bus drivers are very careful and look before moving, but it is hard to see people, especially small people. With the way we have this set up they aren’t anticipating people being around their buses as they are in the drop off and pick up lanes.
Please accompany your children anytime they are using the crosswalk. They need adult supervision in the parking lot area and crossing the crosswalk in addition to the safety patrol student and adult helping at the crosswalk. We have students wait on the school sidewalk by the crosswalk until a parent/adult comes to get them and supervises them in the crosswalk and then through the parking lot area.
Some things that help the process be more efficient are pulling all the way east, as far as you can go. Also, you can let students out of the car before the crosswalk after passing the driveway entrance to the north side of the building. If you come before school gets out and wait in line to pick up your child, please pull all the way to the east and around the curve into the northeast area. Also, please tell your children that you are doing this and ask them to start looking for you as soon as they are in the front of the building after school.
It takes all of us working together to keep the students safe. We appreciate all of your efforts to help us in the mornings and afternoons. Any feedback you have that would help is always welcome.